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Widget Zodiak

<script language="javascript">
function signs() {
var start = 1901, birthyear = document.zodiac.year.value, date=document.zodiac.date.value, month=document.zodiac.month.selectedIndex;

with (document.zodiac.sign){

if (month == 1 && date >=20 || month == 2 && date <=18) {value = "Aquarius";}
if (month == 1 && date > 31) {value = "Huh?";}
if (month == 2 && date >=19 || month == 3 && date <=20) {value = "Pisces";}
if (month == 2 && date > 29) {value = "Say what?";}
if (month == 3 && date >=21 || month == 4 && date <=19) {value = "Aries";}
if (month == 3 && date > 31) {value = "OK. Whatever.";}
if (month == 4 && date >=20 || month == 5 && date <=20) {value = "Taurus";}
if (month == 4 && date > 30) {value = "I'm soooo sorry!";}
if (month == 5 && date >=21 || month == 6 && date <=21) {value = "Gemini";}
if (month == 5 && date > 31) {value = "Umm ... no.";}
if (month == 6 && date >=22 || month == 7 && date <=22) {value = "Cancer";}
if (month == 6 && date > 30) {value = "Sorry.";}
if (month == 7 && date >=23 || month == 8 && date <=22) {value = "Leo";}
if (month == 7 && date > 31) {value = "Excuse me?";}
if (month == 8 && date >=23 || month == 9 && date <=22) {value = "Virgo";}
if (month == 8 && date > 31) {value = "Yeah. Right.";}
if (month == 9 && date >=23 || month == 10 && date <=22) {value = "Libra";}
if (month == 9 && date > 30) {value = "Try Again.";}
if (month == 10 && date >=23 || month == 11 && date <=21) {value = "Scorpio";}
if (month == 10 && date > 31) {value = "Forget it!";}
if (month == 11 && date >=22 || month == 12 && date <=21) {value = "Sagitarius";}
if (month == 11 && date > 30) {value = "Invalid Date";}
if (month == 12 && date >=22 || month == 1 && date <=19) {value = "Capricorn";}
if (month == 12 && date > 31) {value = "No way!";}
x = (start - birthyear) % 12
with (document.zodiac.csign){
if (x == 1 || x == -11) {value = "Tikus";}
if (x == 0) {value = "Kerbau";}
if (x == 11 || x == -1) {value = "Macan";}
if (x == 10 || x == -2) {value = "Kelinci";}
if (x == 9 || x == -3) {value = "Naga";}
if (x == 8 || x == -4) {value = "Ular";}
if (x == 7 || x == -5) {value = "Kuda";}
if (x == 6 || x == -6) {value = "Kambing";}
if (x == 5 || x == -7) {value = "Monyet";}
if (x == 4 || x == -8) {value = "Ayam";}
if (x == 3 || x == -9) {value = "Anjing";}
if (x == 2 || x == -10) {value = "Babi";}

<form name="zodiac">

<table bgcolor="#9DACBF" border="2" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" rules="none"><tbody>
<tr> <td width="55"><b>Tahun</b></td> <td width="155"><input name="year" onclick="value=&quot;&quot;" size="10" type="text" /></td> </tr>
<tr> <td><b>Bulan</b></td> <td>
<select name="month"> <option value="x">Pilih Bulan </option><option value="1">Januari </option><option value="2">February </option><option value="3">Maret </option><option value="4">April </option><option value="5">Mei </option><option value="6">Juni </option><option value="7">Juli </option><option value="8">Augustus </option><option value="9">September </option><option value="10">Oktober </option><option value="11">November </option><option value="12">Desember </option></select></td> </tr>
<tr> <td><b>Tanggal</b></td> <td><input name="date" onclick="value=&quot;&quot;" size="3" type="text" /></td> </tr>
<tr> <td bgcolor="#9DACBF" colspan="2"><div align="center">
<input onclick="signs()" type="button" value="lihat Hasilnya" /></div>
</td> </tr>
<tr> <td><b>Zodiak: </b></td> <td bgcolor="#9DACBF"><div align="right">
<input align="right" name="sign" size="12" type="text" value="" /></div>
<tr> <td><b>Shio:</b></td> <td bgcolor="#9DACBF"><div align="right">
<input name="csign" size="12" type="text" /></div>
</td> </tr>
<div align="center">


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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

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